Monday, January 20, 2014

These are the Christmas decorations.

 This is the Macau Post Office.

This is the Christmas Tree and decorations.

 This is one of the casino named Galaxy Hotel. Every hour, there is a diamond show. They also have 3D movie theatres.

 This is me at the Fisherman Wharf eating potato chips and bacalhau (fried cod fish potato balls).

 This is a sleeping Budda carved out of copper. It is 220m long.

 This is the famous landmark called St. Paul's Church that was bombed by the Japanese during World War II.  All it was left was the one wall standing that you see here.

 This is 2 weeks after Christmas.  They got all the Christmas lights down and all the Chinese New Year lanterns up.

 This is me looking down at Macau from Sky 21.  That is the Macau Tower.

This is the main part of the city of Macau taken from Macau Tower.

Friday, January 17, 2014

At the Panda Exhibit

This is the girl panda called Xin Xin.

                                                         These are panda chocolate.

These are the charts comparing the male and female panda.  The male is called Kai Kai and the female is called Xin Xin. Kai Xin is the mandarin word for "Happy".

This is me with the girl panda.

 These are flamingo.

This was the first small plane that flew such a long distance from Portugal to Macau. Since it had engine trouble, it couldn't fly back to Portugal.

Monday, January 6, 2014

There are lots of exercise parks like this in Macau.

It is a dragon wall sculpture.

This is a gold fish pond.

Beautiful flowers.

HK Science Museum, the exhibition Legends of the Giant Dinosaur.

I am in the HK  Science Museum, the exhibition Legends of the Giant Dinosaur. 

This is Baryonyx.  It eats fish.  It catches by using it's very sharp claws like a spear.

This is T-Rex. When it falls down, it's tiny arms comes in useful to push it up.  Those 2 arms can lift heavy weights.

Plesiosaur. It is a reptile not a dinosaur.

Triceratops. There is a funny cartoon dinosaur behind it.